Ronnie Coleman - Leg Press, Squat and Deadlift Heavy Leg Day Challenge

Ronnie Coleman - Leg Press, Squat and Deadlift Heavy Leg Day Challenge

Ronnie Coleman can Leg Press 2000 lb - 2,300 lb. 1000 kg 1 ton, Squatting 800 lb. and Deadlift 800lb  this makes him the strongest bodybuilder  of all times, as Johnny Jackson has also broke a record on deadlift, Ronnie Coleman is an IFBB World professional bodybuilder, born  May 13 1964, he has won Mr Olympia 8 years in a row from 1998 - 2005, In this video Mr Coleman was preparing for Mr Olympia, He also states that this is his first time Leg Pressing 2,250 - 2,300 lb. 1000 kg 1 ton, Squatting 800 lb. and Deadlifting  800lb to him it is a record.

Bodybuilders in general has strength but there main concern is not strength its muscles and stimulation, if you training for strength then you will pick strength like character and if you train for muscles you will pick muscle like character, Ronnie Coleman did them both but he wasn’t a competitive strength athlete, though he stimulates muscles using heavy weights, on most videos of  Mr Coleman i have never seen him using light weights to build muscles, he always shock his body every time he is at the gym, But hei you can’t compare yourself to him as he didn't just get where he is in a month it took him years of  training. To many out there this is a motivation to help you to push yourself and to know your limits.

Heavy Leg Day Routine:
Leg Press 5x5
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

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