world's strongest man zydrunas savickas Strongman Records - The Strongest Man Ever "Big Z"

world's strongest man zydrunas savickas Strongman Records - The Strongest Man Ever "Big Z"

Žydrūnas Savickas "Big Z" from  Lithuanian is the worlds most strongest man ever lived, he has won most of strongman competitions including World's Strongest Man, IFSA Strongman World Championships, ortissimus:Louis Cyr Trophy, Arnold Strongman Classic-Europe, Arnold Strongman Classic-Brazil, Strongman Super Series, Strongman Champions League overall champion, Lithuanian Team Champion etc. These man holds a lot of titles when it comes to strong man competitions

Žydrūnas Savickas Strongman Records:

1. Strongman Deadlift (with straps) – 440 kg (970 lb) with straps (World Strongman Record, 2011)
2. Squat for Reps–  329 kg (725 lb) x 14 Reps , 2014 Arnold Strongman Classic
3. Apollon's Axle Press for Reps – 166 kg (366 lb) × 8 clean and press each rep (World record, 2006 Arnold Strongman Classic, Columbus, Ohio)
4. Atlas Stones (heavy set) – 25.65 seconds (World record, 2006 IFSA World Championships, Reykjavík, Iceland)
5. Metal Block press – 150 kg (330 lb) (World record, 2011 World's Strongest Man, Wingate,North Carolina)
6. Log lift for Max Weight – 228 kg (503 lb) (World record, 2015 Arnold Classic Brasil Strongman Pro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
7. Hummer Tire Deadlift : World Record Deadlift 1155 pounds524 Kg World's Strongest 
8. Log lift for Reps – 451 kg (204 lb)  2016 Arnold Strongman Classic
9. Heavy Super Yoke, 640 kg (1,410 lb) – 3.87 seconds (World record, 2014 Arnold Strongman Classic, Columbus, Ohio)

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