world's strongest man zydrunas savickas Strongman Records - The Strongest Man Ever "Big Z"
Žydrūnas Savickas "Big Z" from Lithuanian is the worlds most strongest man ever lived, he has won most of strongman competitions including World's Strongest Man, IFSA Strongman World Championships,...
Showing posts with label Educational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Educational. Show all posts
World Record Heaviest and strongest Leg Press EVER Compilation 2016
World Record Heaviest and strongest Leg Press with weights
This is a video of the world’s most heaviest leg press ever, leg press is an exercise were most people who workout at the gym excel at, so as they always say Do Not Brag About Your Leg Press rather brag about your squat or deadlift.
Worst cases of Gynecomastia Experienced by Athletes and Bodybuilders
This is a video of Worst cases of gynecomastia experienced by athletes, bodybuilders and weigtlifters, gyno that is caused by steroids side effects but some are not from steroids use.
_What is gynecomastia or man boobs, bitch tits?
Gynecomastia, informally known as "man boobs", is a common condition...