Natural colon cleansing methods That Really Works for Detox Your Colon

The colon, a part of the digestive system, is responsible for extracting water, salt, vitamins and nutrients from indigestible food matter, processing food that was not digested in the small intestine, and eliminating solid waste from the body.

Raw Vegetable Juice

For colon cleansing, it is essential to keep away from processed and cooked food for one or two days. Instead of solid food, drink new vegetable juice several times a day. Green vegetables, in particular contain chlorophyll that assists remove toxins. Also, the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes present in it will keep your body healthy and well energized. You may also drink herbal teas.

It is advisable not to use ready-made vegetable juices as they do not support the effective enzymes that help the body breakdown and remove waste material. You may easily make fresh veggie juice from carrots, beets, corn, squash,   in the home by using a juicer or blender.

 Flax seeds 

 Flax provides the same vitamins and minerals. This cleanse is indeed easy. Each morning you mixture flaxseed flour and kefir and take in it for breakfast. Never to worry, it includes a pleasant tastes. As the weeks improvement, the amounts transformation a bit, the following:

Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 100 ml (7 tablespoons) of kefir
Week 2: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 100 ml (7 tablespoons) of kefir
Week 3: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 150 ml (10 tablespoons) of kefir


Yogurt includes probiotics and great bacteria that help remove bad bacteria. In addition, it contains good volume of calcium that discourages the expansion of cells lining the colon. In addition, it treats stomach concerns like indigestion, irregular bowel motion etc.
Eat a glass of yoghurt many times a day.Fruit could be added for taste.

Healthful colon represents a sound body. So, try each one of these residence remedies and ways to like a healthy digestive tract. If the challenge persists, then please talk to a doctor.

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1 comment :

  1. Thanks for share something new.This post is very helpful for us.Thanks again.colon squander faster
