Top 10 Foods for Your Brain Health To Improve Focus and Memory

Eating well is good for your mental as well as your physical health. The brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscle mass do. But which food are particularly vital that you keep our grey subject happy and healthy?


They reduce inflammation, are high in cancer-protecting antioxidants and help rid your blood of toxins. The natural nitrates in beets actually boost blood flow to the brain, helping with mental performance. Plus, during tough workouts, beets actually help boost energy and performance levels. I love them roasted or in salads - try my sweet potato beet hash or beet and goat cheese salad for some creative new ways to eat this brain food.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is the ultimate food for healing your gut and, in turn, healing your brain. This ancient meals is filled with health benefits, which range from boosting your disease fighting capability, overcoming leaky gut, increasing joint health insurance and overcoming food allergies.
Its high degrees of collagen lessen intestinal inflammation, and healing proteins like proline and glycine continue to keep your disease fighting capability functioning properly and assist in improving memory.

Egg Yolks

On the nutritional naughty list for a long time, egg yolks are finally suffering from their well-deserved day in sunlight. If you’ve been consuming just egg whites, the yolk’s you. Yolks contain huge amounts of choline, which will help in fetal brain expansion for women that are pregnant. It also reduces bethane, a chemical substance that produces hormones linked to happiness. That’s correct, eggs could make you happy! 

Wild salmon

A terrific natural way to obtain the omega-3 essential oil DHA. DHA takes on a pivotal function in maintaining the fitness of brain cells and actually helps to stimulate the growth of brain cells in the brain’s memory center.
Eat more tomatoes
There is good evidence to suggest that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, could help protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's. Favour cooked tomatoes and enjoy with a little olive oil to optimise absorption and efficacy.

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