5 Bodybuilders That Took It Too Far

5 Bodybuilders That Took It Too Far

These are some of the bodybuilders who took it way too far and they definitely don’t look like an average human being

Gregg Valentino

When bodybuilders get so obsessed with their size, they can take some desperate measures to get big. One of the most popular aids in recent years has been synthol, a synthetic oil that is directly injected into a muscle to inflate it. The end result looks unnatural and bizarre, but it certainly does the job. Gregg Valentino was, at one point, the man with the largest arms in the world, and he employed sy nthol to keep them huge. Administering all of those injections took its toll on Valentino, though, and he developed a hematoma in his right arm that started leaking pus. He tried to drain it himself with a syringe and his bicep exploded, making a grotesque, bloody mess that resulted in a trip to the hospital.


Moustafa Ismail is a bodybuilder dedicated to pumping one specific muscle to massive proportions. He currently holds the Guinness record for the world’s largest upper arm circumference. His massive python’s measure at an astounding 31 inches! For reference, that’s the waist size of an average male! He reached these ridiculous results on a strict regiment of extreme exercise and a diet that includes eating 7 pounds of protein a day

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